viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2014

Yo soy atemporal.
Por lo tanto puedo actuar de muchas maneras diferentes.

Apreciando ANDO

And so, we would not spend any time trying to convince anybody. We would let them be whatever they've chosen to be. We’re not saying that a youthful attitude at your age is better than an aged attitude. Everybody gets to choose whatever they’re choosing. What we’re saying to you is, choose what feels good to you and leave everybody else to choose what they want. Don’t spend any time saying, “They should choose differently and they’d feel better.” Instead say, “They’re choosing whatever they’re choosing; I’m choosing what I’m choosing, and I’m feeling good while I’m choosing it.” And let that be the end of it.

You don’t have to explain nothin’ to nobody. And in fact, you are much better off when you don’t try.

[...] Well, if someone says, “Act your age,” our answer would be, “I am ageless. So I can act a lot of different ways. Sometimes it pleases me to act this way, sometimes it pleases me to act this way. There are no boundaries on me, because I am ageless.”


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