lunes, 29 de diciembre de 2014

Todo lo que alguien vive, sin importar lo que sea, es un absoluto reflejo de la forma como se siente.

Embajador Universal para el AMOR y la Alegría

Everything that everyone lives, no matter what it is, is an absolute reflection of the way they feel. And so, in order to thrive in the stock market or anyplace else, you have to find a way of finding your stability. In other words, you’ve got to talk yourself into trusting that all is well. And, even though it takes a little bit of work, once you find that feeling place of knowing that all is well, the impulses that come to you, the feelings of when to buy and all of that, will be guided by a broader perspective. It is absolutely possible to do extraordinarily well in what most would call disastrous circumstances.

From Los Angeles Aug. 4, 2001

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