viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2014

Tu realidad no significa ponerte en cuclillas.
Todo lo que significa es:
Estás entrenado a enfocarte sobre lo que Es.

Embajador Universal para el AMOR y la Alegría

Most of you don’t have the ability to imagine outside the boundaries of the current condition. Most of you can’t feel prosperous when your checks are bouncing, you can’t feel thin when you weigh more than you want to weigh, you can’t feel well when you’re sick. But it’s because somehow you got convinced that whatever you’re living is a reality that deserves more of your attention. And we say, your reality doesn't mean diddly-squat. All it means is, you are trained to focus upon what-is.

If you could just accept that you can choose the tile you want, or you can observe the tile you don’t want, but it is just that simple choice. And that just because you have a tile on your wall, doesn't mean you’re stuck with it. If you could just accept that it really is the simple choice of flowing the Energy. And here is the statement. If you could let what-is be nothing more than the springboard from which you desire, not a testimony of your worth, not a testimony of your value, not a symbol of who-you-are, just a platform from which you are making your next decision, then it would be easier for you to say, “Well, I've lived this, now I prefer this. I've lived this, now I prefer this.”

But most of you spend so much time trying to explain how you got here, and defend why you are here, and figure out how to get away from there, that you hold yourself in this vibrational pattern that won’t let loose of you.


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