martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

Si todos hicieran lo que ellos quieren hacer, todo el mundo se sentiría libre.
Y si te sientes libre, te sientes poderoso.
Y cada emoción negativa que existe es debido a que hay algún sentimiento de pérdida de la libertad en alguna parte allí.

Apreciando ANDO

Hypothetically, people worry about everyone being selfishly oriented. 
"If everyone did exactly what they want to do, what kind of world would this be?" And we say, a really, really good one. Because if everyone did what they wanted to do, everyone would feel free. And if you feel free, you feel empowered. And every negative emotion that exists—hear this—every negative emotion that exists is because there is some sense of loss of freedom somewhere in there.

Syracuse, NY 
September 29th, 2004

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