viernes, 22 de febrero de 2019

Pero simplemente observa que te SIENTES Bien al hacerlo, ya has ganado mucho y recuerda que "SIEMPRE estamos a tus pies", a tus pies de Amor, <<Trata a los demás como te gustaría que te tratarán>>, si tienes que ceder tu cama a un mendigo, cédela con Amor y con Satisfacción, trátalo así o mejor, verás que SENTIRÁS ese Placer, ese Placer que has sentido muchas veces, no solamente a los tuyos y si a los tuyos, porque "TODOS SOMOS UNO".
💞Amanecer de la LUZ.
But simply observe that you FEEL Right to do so, you have already won a lot and remember that "ALWAYS we are at your feet", at your feet of Love, << Treat others as you would like them to treat you >>, if you have to give your bed to a beggar, give it with Love and Satisfaction, treat it like this or better, you will see that you will FEEL that Pleasure, that Pleasure that you have felt many times, not only to yours and yes to yours, because "WE ARE ALL ONE".
💞 Dawn of the LIGHT.

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