jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

🦋Eres un magnífico ser, eres la dulzura dentro de la dulzura, Recuerda el llanto te SUAVIZA, no Creas los Contrastes, VIBRAS hacia ellos, los problemas y las carencias no son de allá para acá, son de acá hacia acá, ríete de eso, DISFRÚTALO, no te ates a lo material.
💞Amanecer de la LUZ.
You are a magnificent being, you are the sweetness within the sweetness, Remember the tears SOFTS you, do not create the contrasts, VIBRATE towards them, the problems and the deficiencies are not from there to there, they are from here to here, laugh at that, ENJOY IT, do not tie yourself to the material.
💞 Dawn of the LIGHT.

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