jueves, 7 de febrero de 2019

🦋Elije tu propia VIBRACIÓN, no te dejes sacar de Ella y si te sales de Ella, no te angusties, no te angusties, no te angusties, no te angusties, no te angusties tienes toda la vida entera para recordar el ser No Físico que eres que eligió venir al mundo físico para crear esa maravillosa PROSPERIDAD, precisamente en éste mundo físico "TE Amamos".
💞Amanecer de la LUZ.
Choose your own VIBRATION, do not let yourself get out of it and if you leave it, do not worry, do not worry, do not worry, do not worry, do not worry you have all your life to remember the nonphysical being that you are who chose to come to the physical world to create that wonderful PROSPERITY, precisely in this physical world "We love You".
💞 Dawn of the LIGHT.

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