martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

No dejas de cambiar.
Simplemente se pone mejor y mejor y mejor.
Por lo que esa es otra razón para entender eso, desde que no deja de cambiar porque el Vórtice va a continuar expandiéndose, y tu relación con el Vórtice como se expande entonces es algo a lo que te tienes que mantenerte actualizado, el potencial para la satisfacción simplemente se hace más grande y más grande y más grande.
Y tu capacidad de experimentar la bondad se hace más grande y más grande y más grande.

From North Los Angeles 02/12/2011
A lot of people think that desire is supposed to feel like something that you want that you don’t have. And we say, you can hold yourself in never ending suspension away from the fulfillment of what you want under those conditions. You want to soothe yearning. You want to soothe anything that is uncomfortable. And you soothe it by making it general, by making it irrelevant, by deactivating it. You soothe it by thinking about other things, by making other things that do feel good active.
Get ready. It doesn’t stop shifting. It just gets better and better and better. So that’s another reason to understand that, sense it won’t stop shifting because the Vortex is going to continue to expand, and your relationship to the Vortex as it expands then is something that you’ve got to keep up with, the potential for satisfaction just gets greater and greater and greater. And your capacity to experience the goodness gets greater and greater and greater. And your willingness to experience the out-of-the-Vortex, negative emotions becomes your unwillingness, becomes a keener factor. You just get more sensitive to the way emotion feels, and more determined, you might say, more specifically focused in the direction of things that feel really good.
Oh! What a wonderful time to be playing this conscious game, because the energy is moving so rapidly, and your Vortex is spinning so full of so many wonderful things! And now that you’re consciously aware of your emotions, things stand out in very predominant ways, so that it becomes crystal clear when you’re on track and when you’re off track.

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