mi茅rcoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018

馃No importa d贸nde est茅s, puedes ser lo el谩stico que quieras y disfrutar tu vida d贸nde sea, "NO TIENES QUE CAMBIAR", quitar, huir, quedarte, irte, sencillamente estar ah铆, estirando recogiendo, disfrutando, ACOMPA脩ANDO, Amando, Reconociendo sus VIBRACIONES y Generando tus propias VIBRACIONES con Amor, para que recibas, recibas y recibas "su" hom贸logo.
馃挒Amanecer de la LUZ.
No matter where you are, you can be as elastic as you want and enjoy your life wherever it is, "YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CHANGE", remove, run away, stay, leave, simply be there, stretching, picking up, enjoying, ACCOMPANIED, Loving, Recognizing your VIBRATIONS and Generating your own VIBRATIONS with Love, so that you receive, receive and receive "your" counterpart.
馃挒 Dawn of the LIGHT.

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