viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

🦋Cuando veas a las personas con su legítimo Ser (como su legítimo ser), les reconocerás.
Recuerda: Entrega ese Amor, que tanto te duele no entregarlo, hazlo así: Sencillo, porque desde tu Esencia y además, porque desde tu interior sabes que lo tienes; la compuerta se quiere abrir, pero tú te sientas encima de ella, te echas, para que no se levante, no se abra, si supieras que al dejarla, tú estarás fluyendo y serás FELIZ.
💞Amanecer de la LUZ.
When you see people with their legitimate Self (how their legitimate being), you will recognize them.
Remember: Give up that Love, which hurts so much not to deliver it, do it like this: Simple, because from your Essence and also, because from your inside you know that you have it; the gate wants to open, but you sit on top of it, you throw, so that it does not rise, do not open, if you knew that by leaving it, you will be flowing and you will be HAPPY.
💞 Dawn of the LIGHT.

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