lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Los seres físicos, en su desear, están atrayendo las más fuertes Energías No Físicas.
Es por eso que aquellos como Abraham están presentes en gran número, y están siendo recibidos con grandiosa claridad.
No es porque seamos más intensos en nuestra oferta, es porque ustedes son más intensos en su petición.
Lo cual significa que en este tiempo y lugar está realmente funcionando más bien para ti, ¿no lo es?
Este es uno de los tiempos más sobresalientes del hombre físico estando físicamente enfocado y No Físicamente intervenido.
Esta es la razón por la que lo llamamos el tiempo del despertar.

From West Los Angeles 2-12-94

Let us give you a basis of understanding about this. First of all, all of you, without exception, knew that this was time of greater earth changes before you made the conscious decision to emerge into this physical time and place. Not because you wanted to be heroes or martyrs, but because you knew that in greater asking there is always greater receiving. You simply saw physical planet Earth, that is already an arena of exaggerated contrast, as being a heightened arena of exaggerated contrast.
What you have to understand in order to get right to the heart of this is that there is no such thing as law of assertion. There is only Law of Attraction. So physical Beings in their wanting are attracting the stronger Nonphysical Energy.
That’s why those like Abraham are present in greater numbers, and are being received in greater clarity. It’s not because we are more intense in our offering, it’s because you all are more intense in your asking. Which means this time and place is really working rather well for you, isn’t it? It’s one of the most remarkable times of physical man being physically focused and nonphysically intertwined. It’s the reason we call it Time of Awakening.
So let’s begin by saying you wouldn’t have missed it for anything. Every Nonphysical Energy of good report, praiseworthy and eager to be of value to the Universe and to the All-That-Is, is present in some form or other on this planet at this time. We don’t know of any intense Energy that is not represented by one of you. In other words, we are here in all of our fanfare and all of our glory, to experience the remarkable planet Earth experience. Now, what do we mean by that?
Do we mean these will be clever physical Beings who can run from earthquake and survive? No, it’s not about the earthquake at all. It’s about a Mass Consciousness coming closer. Mass Consciousness means all thinkers, and all of you will never come to the same conclusion about anything, nor would you want to. But this realignment, or time of realignment, is about large numbers of thinkers, or vibrators, simultaneously accepting the Well-Being of this Universe.

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