viernes, 18 de enero de 2019

馃As铆 c贸mo cuidan el cuerpo, cuiden su Alma y sus sentimientos, y en especial el c贸mo VIBRAN A cada momento.
Mirarte a ti mismo, Mirar a cada uno que creen que necesitan, "la necesidad no existe en el mundo No F铆sico, Ustedes la han Creado, no es mala ni buena, ni existe".
馃挒Amanecer de la LUZ.
As you take care of the body, take care of your Soul and your feelings, and especially how you VIBRATE at every moment.
Look at yourself, Look at everyone you think they need, "the need does not exist in the non-physical world, you have created it, it is not bad or good, nor does it exist".
馃挒 Dawn of the LIGHT.

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