viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

Culpable es la forma como te sientes cuando piensas un pensamiento que tu Ser Interior no piensa.
Cuando dices:
"Me siento culpable" lo que quieres decir es "debería estar haciendo algo diferente".
La única cosa que deberías estar haciendo diferente es pensar de la manera en que tu Ser Interior piensa acerca de lo que estás haciendo.

Apreciando ANDO

Guilty is the way you feel when you think a thought that your inner being doesn’t think. When you say “I feel guilty” you mean “I should be doing something different”. The only thing you should be doing different is thinking the way your Inner Being thinks about what you’re doing. Your Inner Being doesn’t think you should be doing something different, your Inner Being doesn’t think you should be making better use of resources. It’s your beating up on yourself that’s making you feel bad, not the fact that you’re not utilizing your resources better. Your guidance is saying one simple thing: “That’s not the way we see it. That’s not the way we see it.” When you feel negative emotion, those are the words we want you to hear.

Westchester, NY Oct. 18, 2014

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